Sunday, March 20, 2011


This year Owen started baseball. He had no interest in T-ball so we skipped it and went straight to baseball. He is #28 on the A's. The league he is in does machine-pitch. It's a pretty fast pitch and he is working hard to get the hang of it! It's a lot harder than when Dad pitched to him.

A few months ago when it was time for baseball registration I asked Owen if he wanted to play and he said no. I kept asking him throughout the week and no matter what, he said no. I couldn't believe it. This kid likes to play any sport and we play baseball at Robby's parents' house all the time. So finally I asked him why he didn't want to play and he admitted he wasn't sure he knew how to run all the bases! Robby then did a quick lesson on baseball (diagrams and all) and Owen decided that he definitely wanted to play baseball. I don't think he realized his team would have lots of practices before an actual game.

Owen in on the bottom, second from the left. His buddy Ethan is to the left of him.

So far he loves practice and can't wait for a game. Unfortunately, it keeps raining so no games yet!

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